Learning to let go – as a parent

Learning to let go is not only healthy, it can be more enjoyable… but can also be hard.

Learning to let go of your parenting preconceptions, inherited styles, how you were raised, habits or how you thought it should be… and instead evolving and embracing what works and better or new ways

Letting go of feeling responsible for a child’s behaviour – you didn’t cause it, you can’t control it…. realising that the goal shouldn’t be control. That it should be nurturing new positive behaviors when possible, teaching, inspiring, influencing, and helping kids learn how to negotiate well, how to voice their opinions respectfully, how to make the right decisions themselves… equipping them to do by explaining and teaching

Letting go as they grow older and getting them ready to be independent in the world. Blink and you’ll miss it. There can be such joy in watching them blossom, as well as a sadness in the changing of seasons. But it will happen whether you’re ready or not… so connect with them and build your bond – a relationship where they feel they can talk with you or ask you anything… that you’ll be there for them no matter what and no matter their age

What have you found helpful for learning to ‘let go’?

Changemaker mummas&pappas xo

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