Adoption and Permanent Care

Where to Start

If you are considering taking on the permanent care of a child (including through adoption), we recommend you first read our information on How Adoption Works In Australia section.

As each state has its own legislation, agencies and variables, the next step is to research the options for providing a permanent home to a child in Victoria and determine which is right for you.

Children in Victoria who are placed permanently with another family are mainly placed by child protection. These arrangements are made under permanent care orders not adoption orders.

The number of permanent care orders made in Victoria every year is much greater than the number of adoptions.

Currently in Victoria there are three possible pathways to adoption:

  • Local adoption
  • Intercountry adoption
  • Known child adoption


  • Couples (including same-sex and gender diverse couples) who are married or in a stable de facto relationship for at least two years are able to apply to adopt.
  • A single person.
  • For intercountry adoptions, partner countries each have their own eligibility requirements (see more information below).


In Victoria there are many more people that want to adopt than there are local children requiring families.

Adoption Victoria seeks applications from families who can meet the following characteristics.

  • Readiness to adopt
  • Capability to parent children with a range of additional needs
  • Commitment to open adoption
  • Diversity of possible adoptive parents

For more detailed information about adopting a child in Victoria visit here.


Children placed in permanent care have come through child protection services and for their safety and well-being it has been decided that they are unable to return home to their birth families. In Victoria, such arrangements are made under permanent care orders not adoption orders. Permanent care parents are responsible for day-to-day care of the child and also long term decisions about things like education, changes in residence, health and employment.

Permanent care is not the same as foster care which is a temporary arrangement that aims to reunite children with their birth parents. Nor is it like adoption which permanently transfers all legal parenting rights and responsibilities to the adoptive parents.

Permanent care provides a child with a permanent, safe and loving home at least until they reach the age of 18, and in most cases, a stable family relationship that will last their lifetime.


In most cases children will have contact with members of their birth family after they join their permanent care family. Initially visits with a child’s birth family are organised and supported by a worker from the permanent care team, until carers feel confident about managing contact themselves.

Permanent carers are also eligible for some financial support.

Financial support for home-based carers depends on the needs and age of the child or young person in their care.

For more information about what support is available, and all other aspects of Permanent Care in Victoria can be found on the DFFH website.


Adoption and permanent care arrangements in Victoria can only be made by the Department or an approved adoption agency. The initial steps to adopt an infant in or to become a permanent carer, are the same:

  1. Contact a permanent care service in your area. Or complete the permanent care enquiry form and email or post to your nearest permanent care service.
  2. Attend an information session to find out what you need to do to proceed to the next stage.
  3. Attend training sessions to find out more about the adoption and permanent care process, and help prepare you for parenting your child.
  4. Complete a detailed application that includes: police, medical, and working-with-children checks; providing reference; and if you’re in a de facto relationship, documentary evidence will also be required.
  5. Undergo assessment which involves meeting with a social worker several times in your home. The social worker will prepare a report that will be considered together with your application by an assessment committee.

See the DFFH website for details as well as a list of Adoption and Permanent Care offices and their contact details.


Adoption of a child from another country is considered when a country has exhausted all options to care for a child. Each overseas program has different requirements, fees and processes. Information on these programs can be found here Intercountry Adoption Australia. You need to be approved by Adoption Victoria in order to adopt from these programs.


Applicants must meet the Victorian eligibility requirements, and also those of the overseas country from which you wish to adopt a child. Information about the requirements of each partner country can be found at the Intercountry Adoption Australia website


  1. Learn about the overseas programs available via Intercountry Adoption Australia.
  2. Download and read the Adoption Victoria Information Kit and the Adoption Victoria Expression of Interest Fact Sheet
  3. If you meet the eligibility requirements, download and complete the Intercountry Adoption Questionnaire. Email your completed form to
  4. You will be contacted by Intercountry Adoption Australia to discuss your application, and if eligible, you can start the assessment process
  5. Assessment involves meeting with a social worker several times in your home, and includes police, medical, psychological, and working-with-children checks; providing references; proof of marital status, and payment of statutory State Government fees. Throughout the process you will receive information and support, and attend an education program.
  6. Approval is a formal process under the Adoption Act 1984.
  7. If your family is approved, your file is ready to be sent to the overseas program. Usually, approved families continue to work with Adoption Victoria after approval.

For detailed application information visit this site.


Intercountry Adoption can be an expensive option. Applicants must pay for each step of the process, from submitting the initial expression of interest through to post-adoption supervision. Additionally there is the cost of airfares when you travel to meet and bring home your child, visa and immigration fees, and time spent away from the workforce after your adopted child returns home with you.

Adoption legislation, standards and data

For legislation related to adoption in Victoria see: Adoption legislation and standards, National principles in adoption and Annual adoption data.


You can access information on support services in Victoria section.

VIC Agencies

Government Departments

Foster Care Agencies